Our Team


Boca Raton, Florida USA

Office: (561) 790-4060
Fax: (561) 790-4061

From a young age, Mr. Tolbert was groomed to fulfill a second-generation leadership role at AAS. As president of the firm he oversees all aspects of aircraft sales and acquisitions, marketing, business development and market research.

Beginning at the age of 17, he learned every facet of the company’s services in business aviation, starting in corporate aircraft market research. During college, Mr. Tolbert attended classes full-time, earned a pilot’s license, and joined the sales team. By the time he graduated, Mr. Tolbert had emerged as a sales leader, having closed over a dozen transactions of corporate aircraft with a combined value of over $30 million by the age of 22. Today, he presides over one of the industry’s only companies with over 50 years of continuous operation, a testament to AAS’s leadership since the earliest days of private jet aviation.

Mr. Tolbert is an instrument rated pilot, and received a BA in Business Administration with concentrations in marketing and management from the University of South Florida.


Vice President
Boca Raton, Florida USA

Office: (561) 790-4060
Fax: (561) 790-4061

La Sra. Tolbert se integró a American Aircraft Sales en 1980 acompañando en el trabajo a su difunto esposo y fundador de la empresa, Charlie Tolbert. A través de los años se ha desempeñado en varias funciones dentro de las actividades comerciales, desde investigación, ventas y mercadeo, hasta gerencia operacional y contabilidad. Además de servir en una capacidad ejecutiva, su experiencia en la industria y conocimientos de los negocios de aeronáutica, son recursos invalorables para todo el equipo. La Sra. Tolbert posee una licenciatura en Geología de la Towson University.


Executive Sales
Boca Raton, Florida USA

Office: (561) 790-4060 Ext. 3
Fax: (561) 790-4061

Mr. Dodd brings an enthusiasm for business aviation and commitment to client service to the role. With a focus on meeting and exceeding expectations for buyers and sellers, he has quickly distinguished himself for his personal integrity and work ethic. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Dodd served in the United States Air Force before entering the private sector with a goal of continuing his passion for aviation coupled with client service. He has transaction experience with a variety of turbine aircraft from jets to helicopters and is well versed in the nuances of marketing and selling corporate aircraft. Mr. Dodd studied Professional Aviation at Central Texas A&M University and holds a pilot’s license.


Executive Sales
Boca Raton, Florida USA

Office: (561) 790-4060 ext. 4
Fax: (561) 790-4061

A native of Venezuela and current resident of Miami, Florida, Mr. Armas puts his multi-linguistic skills and international business experience to good use with American Aircraft Sales in his Latin-America focused role. Building on a long history of international transactions, he provides the company and its clients with in-depth information and access to buyers and sellers throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America.   Coupled with an understanding of economic drivers throughout the region, Mr. Armas’s work enhances the company’s market analysis and ability to develop successful pricing strategies.


Managing Director
Zurich, Switzerland

Con más de 15 años de experiencia en la industria, Kai Guenthardt es un avezado profesional de la aviación, habiéndose desempeñado en todas las disciplinas, incluyendo administración de patrimonios, finanzas siendo además piloto profesional. Además de sus responsabilidades con American Aircraft Sales, Kai es socio gerente de Swisspath Aviation AG, una filial de la firma líder independiente multi-familiar Swisspath AG.

Antes de sumarse al Swisspath Group, Guenthardt cumplió funciones como Director Gerente de una firma privada de Consultoría de Aviación Ejecutiva y fue director ejecutivo de dos compañías internacionales de aviación de negocios, una basada en Suiza y la otra en los Estados Unidos

Guenthardt es además Gerente Responsable y de Calidad de FOCA (Organismo Federal Suizo de Aeronáutica Civil) y Piloto de Transporte de EASA Airline. Habla inglés y alemán con fluidez.
